The New Jersey Association of Hearing Health Professionals and the Pennsylvania Hearing Healthcare Association have combined to bring this special OTC seminar to our tri-state region.
This may be the most important seminar you attend all year. Your profession is at stake.
When: Thursday, September 28th at 4:00-6:00pm (depending on Q&A)
Where: Wyndham Garden Philadelphia Airport
45 Industrial Highway
Essington, PA
Who: Carole Rogin, President of the Hearing Industries Association
Carole will discuss the events in Washington that have had and will have a major impact on your business and profession.
Cost: $35
“See You on Aisle Seven?”
The universal movement in healthcare to increase “access and affordability” first impacted the hearing care industry in 2009, culminating in 2017 in the passage of the “Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act of 2017.” This session will provide background to the movement, the rationale for creating “Do It Yourself” (DIY) hearing aids, the key players both within and outside hearing healthcare, and the future scenarios that will impact people with hearing loss who are considering the use of hearing aids and your practice.
Attend this special seminar and prepare for the new OTC hearing aid environment…
- When could OTC hearing aid become a reality?
- What will be the new relationship between state and federal regulations and law governing hearing aid dispensing?
- What difference will OTC hearing aids require me to make to my professional services? Evaluations? Counseling?
- How will the new realty impact my pricing mode?
- What other disciplines will be impacted by OTC hearing aids?
- What can I do to assist consumers in my community?
Download the invitation letter with registration form (pdf)
Register online at